Aaron Fox’s journey to being a children’s book author took some slow yet interesting turns. He was born and grew up around the tiny little town of Brazito, MO, just south of the state’s capital, Jefferson City. Things moved a little slower in Brazito. Because of this and a natural predisposition to taking things as they came, Fox lived a sloth-like existence when it came to most things — slow to react, but quick to analyze the situation.
One of the things that did get Fox’s heart rate up was sports. Not playing, mind you; he was still lumbering when it came to that. But when it came to watching, talking about and even writing about sports, Fox had a voracious appetite. He especially loved the St. Louis Cardinals in baseball and the Missouri Tigers in every sport. Fox took his love of Mizzou sports one step further in 1999 when he attended the University of Missouri. Then, he took his love for writing about and talking about sports to another level when he graduated with a Bachelor’s in Broadcast Journalism from Mizzou in 2003.